With 66 days until Christmas and many people thinking of the holidays up ahead we sat down with a local Katy roofing company to discuss a few tips for hanging Christmas lights. While many homeowners can’t imagine not having a well lite roof with twinkling lights to celebrate Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanza, and the New Year you may want to consider the health of your roof and ensure that your install your Christmas lights safely do that your roof doesn’t need repairs after the holiday season.
Holiday Tips From Katy Roofing Company
We want everyone to enjoy the holidays and your roof to be untarnished, this is why we are sharing how to hang your lights without damaging your roof. Most homeowners are aware having a Katy roofing company repair or replace your roof is not a “cheap adventure” in fact a roof is one of the costliest home repairs you will ever have to undertake and doing so right after buying all those gifts is the last thing on most anyone mind. However, the unfortunate truth is the way most people are taught to hang lights is incorrect, this is one reason you may want to consider a professional Christmas light service but if you’re the type of person who enjoys do it yourself projects and follow these directions you should do just fine.
How to Install Light On A Metal Roof
The first thing to consider is do you have an asphalt shingle or metal roof. If you have an asphalt shingle roof you can use plastic gutter clips one for each light but if you have a metal roof this is a little trickier. The easiest way to hang your light on a metal roof is to use a couple of magnets and secure them to the roof using a string along the metal roof sheet so they will hold into place firmly even if the wind gust picks up, this will also make it easy to remove from the roof when its time to remove your holiday decorations.
Make sure to never nail or staple your lights to the roof as this can cause holes and even the smallest puncture in your roof which can lead to water damages or the need for a Katy roof repair company. You also do not want to screw anything into the gutter as your gutters are their to divert rainwater away from the roof so save the screws and nails for other home improvement projects but keep them away from your roof and gutters. Remember any area where water can get into materials can cause damages from wood rot and mold growth to replacing underlayment’s and shingles.
Safety When Working On A Roof
Some roofs are not designed to be walked on such as cedar shank or clay tile, walking on a roof to hang lights can not injury you but damage your roof. If you walk on a metal roof it can be walked on without damages but some of them are slippery and steep so its best to crouch over and lean toward the slope of the roof to maintain your balance.
Before climbing onto the roof inspect, the ladders is in good shape if there are loose hinges or broken rungs its time to toss out the old ladder and ask Santa for a new one. Now may be a good time to also warn you that more accidents occur hanging Christmas lights by do it yourselfers than there are cleaning gutters or roof inspections, Ladders should always be properly maintained and inspected and be careful that wherever you place the roof you never have to stand in the top rung and that the ladder is on level ground. Make sure you use the three-point contact system and walk up the ladder facing forward, have someone at the bottom who is holding the ladder and can give you a hand but make sure they never move the ladder before telling you. Wearing a safety harness can also prevent slip and fall accidents which are the leading causes of injury amongst roofers. Before anything fails always call a Katy roofing company for help.
We understand your desire to decorate for the upcoming holidays, Christmas lights are fun but not at the expense of your safety or your roof health.
Looking For A Katy Roofing Company
Are you looking for a Katy roofing company who can provide you with roof repairs, replacement, or a new roof for the holidays? Look no further than Katy best roofing company Elite Disaster Recovery, we provide free estimate and can help manage your insurance claims. We have a 5 star rating and an A+ rating with the better business bureau, so for all your roofing needs give us a call at 832-791-9060